SolarKobo Score: 4.2/5
Manufacturer's Profile
Hyundai solar panels are manufactured by the South Korean company, Hyundai Green Energy. The Hyundai Group was founded in South Korea in 1947 as a construction company. It rapidly expanded into various industries, including the automobile industry. In 1972, the Hyundai Heavy Industries, the world's largest ship building company, was founded as a division of the Hyundai Group. By 2002, the HHI became independent of the Hyundai Group.
The HHI has four core and five non-core business divisions and five non-core ones, one of which is the Hyundai Green Energy. In 2004, HHI Green Energy entered the renewable energy business, establishing its first solar module manufacturing factory in 2005. In 2019, it was renamed Hyundai Energy Solutions, incorporated in America and listed on the Korean Stock Exchange. Hyundai Energy Solutions also produces and sells semiconductor devices, inverters, and other products. Hyundai Energy Solutions also manufactures micro power stations, energy storage systems, and other products.
The rebranding and revitalization in 2019 saw the company significantly grow and expand to become the major player it is now in the renewable energy industry. Since then, Hyundai now backs its high-quality and high-performance solar panel offerings with a 25-year product and performance warranty. Though still at some distance away from the premium brands, LG, Sunpower/Maxeon and Panasonic, this move brought it very close to the premium ones. Learn more here.
Hyundai enjoys a stellar reputation as an industry leader. Like the cars for which the Hyundai brand is more well known for, Hyundai panels are produced for high performance, quality, aesthetics and affordability.
Shingled Cell Technology
Hyundai uses Mono PERC cells in the high-density shingled cell format, on all its new generation panels. Shingled cells are made by cutting a full-size solar cell into five or six equal strips. These cell strips are then assembled and overlaid, like roof shingles, into longer strings of up to 40 cells depending on the panel size. This results in a usual string voltage (V) but a fifth (or sixth) of its electrical current (I). Thus, by lowering the current passing through the cells, the resistance is also lowered and by lowering the resistance, operating temperature is also lowered. And by lowering the operating temperature, the chances of the formation of hot-spots are lowed.

Also, the space between cells are eliminated completely. This removes the inactive areas of the panel that increases cell resistance and in turn performance.
In conventional solar panels, cells are connected in strings while in shingled panels, they can be connected in a parallel configuration.
Shingled cells increase the cells tolerance against shading, reduces the risk of the formation of hot-spots and micro-cracks and gives the module an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Hyundai Solar Panel Range
In the past, Hyundai offered five series of solar panels most of which can still be found in the market. These panels were made with PERL cells unlike the most recent ones made from shingled cells.
In the RI Series, Hyundai offered six 72-cell monocrystalline panels in models with power ratings from 345W to 370W and efficiency reaching up to 19%. They are large and were made for use in commercial and utility systems.
In the KI Series, it offered panels similar to those in the RI Series with power ratings from 345W to 390W and efficiency ratings up to 19%. They were made specifically for utility companies with a high voltage handling capacity (around 1,500 V) that is able to reduce the balance of system costs.

In the WI AQUAMAX Series, Hyundai offered panels created with floating solar installations in mind. They are thus water and corrosion resistant. They are also able to handle high voltages.
In the HI Series, it offers 144 half-cells with 5 busbars with power rating from 360W to 385W.

In the RG Series, directed towards residential installations, Hyundai offered 60-cell monocrystalline panels with power ratings from 295W to 310W and efficiency ratings up to 18.9%.
In the RG Black Series, Hyundai offered slightly less powerful solar panels with power ratings from 290W up to 305W and efficiency ratings of 17.7% but in the sleek and appealing all-black design.

Hyundai's New Solar Panel Offerings
UF Series
Panels offered in this series are manufactured with residential installation in mind. They are made with 36 Hyundai's next-gen shingled cells and have power ratings from 385W to 400W and have efficiencies up to 21.3%, making them Hyundai's most efficient panels. Panels in this series are compact and save installation space.

VG Series
Panels in this series are made with 34 shingled cells and a slightly lower voltage than those in the UF Series. Their lower voltage allow the use of more panels per string in the design of a system depending on the inverter voltage range. They come with efficiency ratings up to 20.7%.

UH Series and VI Series
Hyundai offers its most powerful panels meant for commercial and utility installations in this two series. The UH Series come with solar panels rated from 450W to 480W and the VI Series come with panels rated from 465W to 490W.

Up till 2019, Hyundai backed its panels with the industry-standard 12-year product warranty. But it now offers a leading 25-year product warranty and a 25-year performance warranty except the UH and VI Series that are backed by a 15-year warranty. This brings Hyundai at par with the premium brands (LG, Panasonic and Sunpower/Maxeon) who offer 25-year warranties. This warranty covers all material or processing defects including PID.
Hyundai guarantees that its panels will retain at least 98% of the nominal power after the first year. Thereafter, power output with not decrease more than 0.55 % per year. After 25 years, their panels will still retain a minimal nominal rated power of at least 84.8%.
Hyundai is highly regarded among industry player for high performance, quality and efficiency as well as the aesthetics of its recent panels. The 25-year product warranty has placed Hyundai ahead of many competitors. Hyundai offers a premium warranty, at cheaper rates than the premium brands. This makes them great high-quality and premium performance but cost-effective options.
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